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Tree Trunk Texture

Copley Project 

Story so far

As many of you will be aware, we have consulted the various guidance and documentation in relation to the proposal for the pump track to be situated on Murton Green. All documentation has been uploaded to our website, including a covenant dated 1938 which stipulates the types of activities which may take place upon the land. The activities are restricted to games and community events. We have been through all of the documentation, consultations and planning applications & responses in depth and have taken legal guidance. We remain committed to looking at alternative locations for this project to be situated.


We sincerely hope that all parties will continue working collaboratively on this project in the future.


We will hold a meeting in relation to this project at a time and date to be confirmed and we would ask that if you wish to be involved please provide your contact details before leaving or email


As a community council we are very much committed to moving these projects forward in a positive and harmonious way. 


Please feel free to explore the related documents on the project so far. 

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